I will continue my topic on 're-fashioning' when I have got my resources together. Meanwhile, here's some of the fashion shows I've seen that are worth mentioning.Last year, when I was studying in Milan (2007), my school (Domus Academy) gave fashion show tickets to all of my classmates in fashion and accessory design.Here's a complete excerpt of my entries which dates back to the Autumn/Winter 2007/08 shows
2007 (Original Entry Date: 2nd Feb, 2007)
Well, it's sort of fashion week here...suprisingly, I have been going into a couple of shows. A lot of them are unknown but can be quite fun to see what kind of thing people come up with...but others are plain tacky but then again, the tickets are free!
The show I went to on Saturday was for a label called 'Shirt Pattern. I got a goodie bag...well actually, inside, they only had one chocolate stick lollipop (really good chocolate!) and the other....well, the bag which is made from cloth.... Shirt Pattern show was well...very wearable and very autumn-ish.... Some of the pieces, I would wear, other pieces, I won't bother to look twice....what bugged me were these bubbles that were suppose to resemble snow and it went onto my coat...well, I was seating at the front row anyway!
- Shirt Pattern....nope, not a specialist shirt boutique...theme, lady in New York (as I understood from the Italian description...) but wasn't what I was expecting...
Monday, was another round of shows...it was a show by Agatha Ruiz de la Prada....no....not Prada! Nothing like Prada! Well, I liked the graphic of the invite but the clothes....let's say I only liked TWO sets out of goodness who knows how many garments were on the catwalk....I did not even take pictures and the colours were so damn bright....think orange, pink, white, I think yellow....by the way, is it a good thing when you get weird goosebumps when you see a collection?
Next fashion show...well actually, I didn't get an invite but one of my friend did (we all have shows to see but divded differently!) for Costume National. It was quite good....it was one of the best shows I have seen since this week....Red & Black, still love the combination! Too bad the images I took were so bad but then again....I wasn't at the front but at least I was seating down.....and took the invite people left behind as souvenirs....plus a folder....
- I wanted better pictures but oh well..... At least I got to concentrate more on the clothes... Tuesday was just one fashion show by Enrico Corveri....the invite they gave out were really nice....unfortunately.....the invitation were taken back but at least I got a free folder...well techinically, from a seat I wasn't suppose to seat...or even, not suppose to sit at all! The garments....well at first, it looked good then later...it got a little tacky.....some in colours, the others in prints! I sort of got out of focus of the collection that I took a picture of a pair of shoes that were from an audience!
- You got your typical flower print (also on the invitation) then all of the sudden, Sushi print! The theme is called Orient Excess but then it wasn't too much of my liking....I liked the sushi graphics though but not on the garment...as for the shoes...well, it isn't part of the collection.....
Yesterday, I got into two more shows but will reveal the names next time....Well, that sums up the shows I've watched so far....I will be watching one more soon!....
I will give the pros and cons of watching a show in Milan (but I guess it applys to most countries as well!)
.: Free Magazines! Vogue Italia, Jane, Glamour (Italia)....loads until your arms will break! Trust me! On Saturday, my arms were full of magazines that my arms ached the next day...as if I worked out at the weights!
.: Yes, they check your invite but then, some can be lenient when you say your are with someone with an invite...but I guess it only applies to big names....institution, etc.....: Yes, the collection may be tacky but there's always something to see....
.: Some of the freebies they distribute outside the venue....today, I got a deck of cards with different designs of the garments.....
.: The waiting time! If you think waiting for a show to start in Singapore is bad...say like 20 minutes of delay....try here! For every show I went to, I waited at least one hour for the catwalk show to start!.: The shows aren't located at the most convience places....but so far, for me, it has been located at one place but can be such a hassle to go there....thank goodness for shuttle buses
.: Some of the freebies are in Italian....well at least I can read some of the Italian...I guess!
Today, I wasn't in the best of my moods but after going to Giorgo Armani Exihitbition at the Trienale, I felt so much better...I do not know why....I think it was worth my six euros to see it! You know, I might even go and see it again next time before it ends! You could see the details of the garments....but then, it is a lot to see....well was too much until one of my friend got a little ballistic....when she saw the exit, she just ran out of the door with joy....not that the exihitbition is bad...it is really one of the best I have seen and made me think differently about the label....just have to make sure you take a small break in between a lot of garments.....
- Yup, that's me in front of the Armani Exihitbition!
[End of entry of that date]
Due to the tight deadline of my project that month, I could not continue my entries for the fashion shows I went to. After those days, I managed to get into Antonio Marras (no ticket though....had to 'sneak' in after going into a fashion show by the designer 'Mariella Brunani'.In Mariella Brunani during the Autumn/Winter 2007/08 show, the collection was based on a western cowboy-whild chick theme. Honestly, I wasn't into the western theme. I guess I'm not such a big fan of such themes.
- Overall, the collection wasn't disapointing....it was more of the saloon girls during that period. Not a bad adaptation.
You see, I had planned to leave the venue right after that show. However, a group of my classmates and I decided to see if we could get a sneak peak at Antonio Marras. After the front person had checked the tickets, he was kind to let us into the hall and managed to get a good spot to see the show. Unfortunately, my camera ran out of battery! I was lucky to get a few shots before the whole camera ran out of power completely. In a way, it was a good thing....otherwise I would have missed the extravagant final garment. This final garment was a patterned trapeze dress with a headress which looked like a veil (for a bride). It was worth 'sneaking in'!
- Some of the shots (not all that I took are here) before my camera went out of battery. On the extreme right is the picture of the program (the write up of the theme). Actually, the front is the illustration of the final garment that was shown.The most extravagant outfit I saw that week was Kei Kagami. Even though it was held in a theater and the number of people who came wasn't as much as the ones I'd seen during the other days, I thought it had some impact. At least the show started off with some pratical garment which I would have considered purchasing if I ever seen his clothes at a boutique. Later, his most extravagant outfits (as he is popular for) was interesting. Although the feathers (part of the embellisment) was annoying, I thought it was fresh....even his least pratical outfit was worth watching. There was one outfit where the model was carrying this mini structures where the strings were connected. After walking to the front and back of the stage, the model pulled the strings at the side and the feathers that were connected were moving.
- The mini stage which featured a series of feathered garments. The shot of stage was taken before the show started. You'll notice closely that some of the feathers were falling down by accident (I think someone pressed the wrong button!). The one of the extreme right is the outfit where the wings are in 'operation'.Looking back, I'm still glad that I managed to rush into Antonio Marras and Costume National fashion show! There's a sense of great rush doing that! I wished I had gone to Kei Kagami's show the next season but alas, the school didn't give me tickets for that. Still from this day, I hate waiting in line to get into fashion shows (or anything event for the matter of fact!).Oh yes, also around the same week, I managed to catch the Armani Exhibition. I got the book for memorable purposes.....and really glad that I got to see the outfits upclose! However, the security guard did let me take any pictures (sorry!) which is pretty much normal with many exhitbition I've been to all over the years.