I have to admit, like many ladies out there, I like to watch Sex and the City. I admire the way Patricia Field is willing to take risks with styling the characters which inspired me (and perhaps some other ladies as well!) to dress up. I thought she did a perfect job for 'Devil Wears Prada' as well.
Her clothing range for HSN is a different story altogether.
"Dear Ms Field,
It was a bold risk to 'design' a collection for HSN which I comprehend that it's affordable. Now we are able to look like second rate versions of Carrie, Samantha, Miranda and Charlotte.
Styling is your forte and I look forward to see more of what you know best.
Thank you."
These...what I call second rate versions of SATC...
These...have potential but needs a little more design development...
Imagine you are sleeping soundly...suddenly, right next to you, there's tantrums right next to you...
It's none other than the 'Tantrum Throwing Alarm Clock' by Hammacher Schlemmer... hit the snooze button too many times and you'll get it from this little thing! All you need are hour AA batteries to get it running or just plug it on the socket. Loud and noisy...just the thing we need to quickly get out of bed so that we won't be late for class, work or any appointments...
I've just promised my friend Sibylle that this is her news! I'm just the person projecting it to everyone else. :) While online chatting with her (she's in Beirut, I'm in Singapore), she told me that a former classmate of mine was featured in 'The Sartorialist'section of Vogue.
This is Joo Hyun Ha who was majoring in accessories Domus Academy, Milan (same year but different department from me) and recent participant of ITS#Seven.
I've seen the bags she submitted and I was so amazed that I told her when she release her own line of bags, I'll be her first customer! Well I guess I will have to stand in queue when that time comes!
Alright, I'll give you a little teaser of what one of her designs look like...
Just wanted to post something which I made which parts of my old jeans. I am halfway making a vest of of my old jean since the jeans has become way too loose for me to wear and didn't feel like altering the fit.
This 'flower' are made of just a series of strips which I folded and gathered (loosely). I intend to either frame it up or use it as a brooch. We'll see!
Culture Push (www.culturepush.com) is a Singapore based website which interviews designers and artists from Singapore. The website also gives an update on what's interesting in the design realm (locally).
Almost everywhere seems to rain these days. My friend from Paris said it's raining on some days... Here in Singapore, it's been non-stop rain then sun-shine in one day!
I guess designers has been anticipating rain for a while which was why these shoes/shoe protection were conjured up since last year... Shuella (high heel protection) http://www.shuella.com/
Jean Paul Gautier (Spring 2007 Ready-To-Wear)
High Tide Heels (Hmmm, I've been scuba driving before and I have to walk backwards on sand in flippers....) Click on the link on the bottom of this entry since the original website link is missing.
One boot I saw at the shop window in Milan (near Corso Como) last year...
Hmm, I wonder if I would go all the way to protect my feet from the rain and puddles...