Thursday, December 4, 2008

Featuring: 'Designerman' - Blog with the drawn version of 'The Sartorialist'

I love to see raw and quick sketches. It captures the immediate essence of the image. Sometimes, it intrigues me more than some actual illustrations. This is a skill I would like to develop.

This fashion illustrator/men's wear fashion designer, known as 'designerman' on his blog 'What I Saw Today' shows his view on street fashion. The concept of the blog is like the Sartorialist. What's different is that the outfits are illustrated with colored pencils.

Some of his drawings from his blog (and a lot more if you go to his website!) and a little comment for the pictures (extracted from the blog and some of my own).

'My evil monito hat'. I love the little notes on this sketch.

It's a fashion 'parade' the check out counter? Interesting!

'Oops! These pants don't fit!'

More on his website:


doc Martens Boots said...

thanks for showing creativity about fashion I love Fashion and shoes

Retro Jordan said...

Thanks for posting, I really enjoyed your most recent post. I think you should post more often, you obviously have natural ability for blogging!